Since I have added a photo of the rest of the family (well the humans lol) I decided to add one of me. Actually its a close up of my eye & the stye that has become my newest nuisance. I'm thinking I'm going to have to start writting it down when I do get one as it seems to be about every 3-4 months which means a little more serious prob. Found a site with some do it yourself solutions, including things I have heard of. Its probably a health food store thing, so Mom, do you know? LOL Here is the site -->

I've heard of a lot of those treatments, and some are from when I
was little and my mom used alum. If
I were you, I'd get antibiotic drops,
etc., from the doctor. The mention
of old makeup is good and true. Get
rid of old stuff. Matt just had pink
eye, so some infection could have
been transferred. The wind storm
last week could have blown something
in your eye too. I'd get something
from the doctor to get rid of it.
Love you, mom
Did you see my comment on this blog
yesterday? I think you can get alum
at the drugstore. Love each and all.
That's quite a close-up of your eye, Diana. Do you get the stye in the same eye and same place every time? Just wondering about that. I hope you get relief from it soon.
I took Nana to another Dr. appointment today ~ very very nice physician who prescribed even stronger meds ... so we're going to try those and hope for some decent pain relief. She is pretty exhausted from hurting. :(
You know, I'm not fully sure if I do or now. I want to say I have had one closer in to my nose but I can't remember if it was the same eye or the other one.
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