We babysat so our friends could go out for dinner. Here's Jesse feeding their newest addition, Kaylee.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
February 11
February 9
Sorry I got a bit behind. Going to work on catching up:)
A gift from my/our friend Brit. Pink valve stem covers:)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
February 8
As you know, or may have heard, we have had some quite odd weather & experiences here in El Paso recently. While our family was extremely fortunate, no loss of water, heat or electricity, today was our first day of experiencing an 'odd' reaction to things. This is the pot of water I gathered this morning to make myself an egg. As the water company gets everything back & running properly, even those of us that had running water the entire time can expect some not quite right conditions. As you see in the photo, the water, really, looked like milk. After sitting for a few moments it cleared & of course we could boil it to be sure. Jesse also ran the water today for 10 straight minutes to help try & clear the pipes.
Hopefully soon everything will be back to normal & everyone will have their water fixed. I believe additional help has been brought in. Not only are there main lines being repaired but individual homes had lines blow as well. This includes both military housing & standard residential.
February 7
February 6
Monday, February 7, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 3
I took these pictures yesterday but wanted to make sure I shared at least one of each of our 'kids' having fun in the snow. Apparently this is some of the worst weather we have had here in El Paso in something like 30 years. We have been fortunate enough so far to still have electricity, running water & heat. Transformers & water lines have blown throughout El Paso. Other then letting the kids out to play for awhile yesterday, the kids & I have not ventured out & have been content to stay safe & warm in our home.
Sophie had a blast running about in the snow:)
Emma looks oh so cold in this picture. This might have been when she told me her hands were cold & I told her to go in & change her gloves. Gotta love 2 packs for $1:)
Christopher showing off the snowball he made:)
Matthew showing me his snow covered gloves. You would think his hands were freezing, yet this didn't seem to bother him one bit.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 2
First off, Happy Birthday to my brother David!! Now I know this is a photo a day blog, but I just had to share a few today. We got snow & ice, so rare for us here in this part of Texas. Everything is closed.
Our front yard covered in snow
See the ice under my snow footprint?
Snow covered tree down the street
Ride on toy left out where the snow fell. Gives a better idea of the accumulation we actually received.
February 1
January 31
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
January 30
Sorry I got a little behind. I got busy working on & finishing up our emblem that will be placed on the shuttle carrying our experiment into space. I thought I would start out by showing you where I will be working, aka one of the campuses I attend from time to time.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
January 29
January 28
Thursday, January 27, 2011
January 27
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
January 24
Saturday, January 22, 2011
January 22
January 21
Yup I bought from the competition but hey I can't help it PartyLite hasn't made their own plug-ins yet. This one actually has a minor short in it so I'll be contacting the company about it. I got one for each bathroom & yes they have PartyLite melts in them. Love the way they smell the rooms up & provide a nightlight.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
January 18
January 17
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
January 13
Today was a day spent mostly at the hostipal again for me. Here is a quick pic of Jesse leaving the icu back to his regular room before being released. He remembers it, then again he doesn't:) Its so cute:)

Jesse all 'happy' after surgery:)
January 12
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
January 11
I didn't get a chance to see Kaylee to long yet today as she is having difficulties keeping anything down & hasn't produced a wet diaper since birth last night. She also seems to be having a few issues with her breathing like when she cries or at least wants to, it just isn't sounding right. Heidi, my friend who had the baby, is doing well (great in the aspect you would never realize she just gave birth at all) & Kaylee Faith should be currently undergoing an ultrasound & x-ray. She is baby #4 for the family. Please keep little Kaylee in your thoughts & prayers as well as the family while the doctors & nurses figure out what is going on.

I wanted to take a bunch of picture for them but I only got a few (photographer speak for 1 style, multiple shots) before the nursery nurse took her away for observation. That was even before they said they would be running actual tests.
January 10

Had a very busy day so just making a very quick post. My friend Heidi had her baby today a lot later then we were all expecting (more info to come). I didn't get to be in the room & then they put Kaylee on some extra oxygen & under a warmer. I stayed as long as I could take, then I had to go, get food & sleep lol. I snuck this photo through the nursery window since I couldn't go in. I'll be going back up in the morning. Kaylee Fayth was born at 10:40PM coming in at 7lbs 5ozs:)
Monday, January 10, 2011
January 9
Saturday, January 8, 2011
January 8
So far so good huh. I've been having fun adding a photo each day. In fact, at times its hard to pick just one, but that is what this blog this year is all about:) So todays is our oldest baby, Mitzi. She was born October 10, 2000. A year ago we had weighed her & she came in at 20lbs. Anytime anyone new sees her, they can't believe how big she is & often have to take a picture for themselves. A friend of ours had noted, "I think Mitiz has gotten bigger" my response was that I had been thinking the same thing. So, one night I decided I would weigh her & sure enough, 22.4 lbs. She HAS gained! We have figured it must be the dog food, yes, whenever we aren't looking she goes for it, often we catch her. We have a $60 food dispenser for her but are now realizing that we are going to have to control when the dog food is down too. Like at night:)
Mitzi, you will always be Mom & Dad's baby & we love you no matter how big you are:)
Friday, January 7, 2011
January 7
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
January 5
Since I have added a photo of the rest of the family (well the humans lol) I decided to add one of me. Actually its a close up of my eye & the stye that has become my newest nuisance. I'm thinking I'm going to have to start writting it down when I do get one as it seems to be about every 3-4 months which means a little more serious prob. Found a site with some do it yourself solutions, including things I have heard of. Its probably a health food store thing, so Mom, do you know? LOL Here is the site --> http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/stye.htm

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
January 4
I meant to get one of the kids today after school but I ended up running a little late so I shot out the door with no camera & just drove to pick them up. So for todays picture, I am adding on of Emma I took last night just after she got out of the shower which she took just after I cut FIVE inches off her hair. You can also get a nice look at her owies from when she wiped out on the scooter yesterday too. She was such a big girl, just came in to get cleaned up & didn't cry at all.
Monday, January 3, 2011
January 1
Jesse on New Years, just after midnight, munching away on some TGIFridays potatos skins (from frozen), yum!
Project 365
Here is to a new year & a new goal. I am going to use this blog to make my own 365 day photo a day challenge. It's January 3 so I'm already 2 days behind but here it goes:)
The blog may not say much, in fact it might just be a photo with a caption but it will allow you all to get a little better 'picture' of what is going on in our lives:)
Our first snow fall of the year!
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